

Animal ID 54879827
Species Dog
Breed Mixed Breed, Large (over 44 lbs fully grown)
Age 1 years and 7 months
Gender Male
Size Large
Color Tan
Spayed/Neutered Neutered
Declawed No
Intake Date 02/12/2023

Kenneth is a distinguished gentleman that plays well with every dog he has met here, and even plays the father role to all of our puppies. Although he can be a bit shy with new people, he has the sweetest temperament once he gets acquainted with you. Interested adopters should know that he does have hip dysplasia so an established vet relationship would be preferred. He still gets around with pep in his step but has a goofy switch when he walks. It's one of his endearing quirks, just like how he blows bubbles in the mud. Could you be the one to set Ken up in his Mojo Dojo Casa House?

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